About Histon & Impington Green Spaces
Histon & Impington Green Spaces is a charitable incorporated organisation, registered with the Charity Commission in August 2021. The registration number is 1195616.
The Charity was set up in order to acquire the Abbey Fields properties – Long Meadow and Croft Close Set-aside (since renamed the Croft Close Nature Reserve) – for the community and ensure their management for biodiversity conservation, preservation of archaeological heritage, educational use and people’s enjoyment. You can read the Charity’s constitution here.
The Charity is legally responsible for the current fund-raising and financial management and then for looking after Croft Close Nature Reserve and Long Meadow. The Charity currently has six trustees. They are:
Robert Bensted-Smith (Chair and Secretary)
Jon Pavey (Treasurer)
Daphne Fisher
Katharine Holliday
Anthony Jenking
David Jenkins
The Parish Council has a right to nominate up to 3 trustees on the board, recognising the important support the Parish Council is providing to help secure Long Meadow and Croft Close Nature Reserve for the community. In doing this, it is is building on the policies in the Neighbourhood Plan, which was strongly endorsed by the community in a referendum in May 2021. The remaining trustees are community members with a mix of conservation and business expertise, who have been actively involved in the project.