Donate to help us achieve Our Vision

Our vision is to manage the Abbey Fields sites for the benefit of the community and the wildlife that lives there, together with enhancing biodiversity across the parishes of Histon & Impington. Thank you for donating today.

You can donate using JustGiving, bank transfer or cheque.

The easiest way to donate is via the JustGiving Page. You can choose the amount to donate as a one-off donation or as a regular monthly contribution and it allows gift aid to be claimed for taxpayers - this boosts your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 donated.

You can choose one of the pre-set amounts, or a preferred amount by typing into the donation amount area. There is no need to make a voluntary contribution to the JustGiving platform – the amount suggested can be reduced or you can enter zero.

You can hide donations from public view by ticking a box. Alternatively allow JustGiving to show your contribution to encourage others.  Comments are very welcome.

There is an option box to allow us to keep in touch with you. This will be helpful for the campaign, and you can always unsubscribe at a later date.

Bank Transfer

If you choose this method, please consider a regular monthly (or other time period) donation via your bank by setting up a standing order. Or if you prefer, you can donate via a one-off bank transfer. Whichever you choose, please use the details below: 

  • Histon & Impington Green Spaces

    • Sort Code 089299  

    • Account Number 67230295 

  • Payment reference is your name please.

  • Please download and complete a donation form. We can then acknowledge your donation and if you are a taxpayer, it enables gift aid to be collected. Please complete, scan, or photograph the form and send it as an attachment to You can also send it to the Parish Office address below.


If you chose this method, please make out the cheque to Histon & Impington Green Spaces and send to:

Histon & Impington Green Spaces
The Parish Office,
Histon & Impington Recreation Ground,
New Road, Impington,
Cambridge, CB24 9LU

Please download and complete a donation form. We can then acknowledge your donation and if you are a taxpayer, it enables gift aid to be collected. Please send the form with the cheque to the address above.