Help us with our communications
How to raise awareness of the importance of our local wild green spaces and their wildlife, the threats they may be under, and what the Histon & Impington Green Spaces charity is doing about it – this is our communications challenge!
We are an all-volunteer organisation, and we welcome all manner of voluntary assistance to support our community engagement. This includes the vitally important ‘back room’ functions that keep our communications workstreams going!
We are looking for support in all the following areas:
Could you help develop and run email communications with our supporters?
Do you have experience with Mailchimp?
Newsletter and press releases
Could you write for our Newsletter or articles for other publications?
Take the role of commissioning editor for our Newsletter?
Could you author or edit material for our website?
Publicity for our activities
Could you help us with graphic design?
Help with social media, blogs etc?
Could you take photographs for us at events?
Help us manage an image archive?
Help organise photography competitions?
Let us know if interested by emailing and/or sign up on the website.
Information stand supporting fundraising
Calendar featuring winning photographs from 2023
Wildlife photography for our website and newsletter
Creating posters for events