Employer supported volunteering
Perhaps your employer allows paid time off for volunteering. Local companies and their employees are already getting involved in this way. It is a way of developing a partnership with the local community. Perhaps speak to us and your employer.
Local professionals have been able to give us time and expertise on this basis; especially valuable to us in running the charity.
We have hosted half day and full day sessions where a group of employees have come on site and helped us with habitat management. Single employees with specific expertise have also come on site and helped us with the agreement of their employer.
While a day outside tackling blackthorn and brambles may be good for team building it is not everyone’s cup of tea. We have plenty of other opportunities that are less physically challenging – just take a look at the type of things that we are looking for help with and see if there is another area where you and your colleagues might be able to help.
Let us know if interested by emailing hello@higreenspaces.org and/or sign up on the website.
Volunteers helping at Croft Close Nature Reserve
Volunteers helping at Croft Close Nature Reserve