Help us with our IT
We are an all-volunteer organisation, and we welcome all manner of voluntary assistance to support our many activities and maintain the sites. This includes the vitally important ‘back room’ functions that keep everything going!
We are looking for support in all the following areas:
Are you a web designer with a bit of time to spare?
We need help to regularly check our website to make sure the information is up to date and links are current.
Learning new skills, assisting our website team.
IT systems
Could you help us develop and manage IT systems?
Do you know all about Google drive?
Gmail and Mailchimp experience?
Do you have experience using databases?
Are you experienced in GDPR compliance?
Do you have experience in GIS? We need help with mapping our survey data.
Creating images for illustrating our website and posters?
Let us know if interested by emailing and/or sign up on the website.
Creating images for the website and posters