Help us provide learning opportunities
Providing learning opportunities is an integral part of the charity’s Vision of involving people, young and old, from all walks of life within our community in caring for, and learning from, not only our own wonderful Abbey Fields sites and their wildlife, but also other green spaces within the parishes, even gardens.
We want to offer real-world nature-focused experiences so that all can enjoy the wellbeing benefits of being in nature and feel positive about what can be done to help our desperately threatened wildlife.
We are looking for support in delivering in all the following areas:
Activities with families
Planning and running events for families with young children like our April Nature Hunt.
Introducing citizen science to a family audience.
Developing resources on wildlife for families to use in their own time.
Activities aimed at adults
Can you help us develop and run a programme of talks?
Are you interested in helping with guided walks?
Could you help others improve their wildlife identification skills?
Liaison with schools, community groups and young people
Scouts, guides, woodcraft folk …… could you help us with contacts and engagement?
Could you help develop student projects based on our sites?
Let us know if interested by emailing and/or sign up on the website.
Youth group session at Nature Hunt 2023
A guided walk at Croft Close Nature Reserve
Magnifying glass in use