Help us with Science & Monitoring

We want to look after, and improve, the biodiversity of our Abbey Fields sites. We need to document what we have – a major undertaking - and monitor the impact of any habitat management that we undertake.

Then we have a wider interest in helping to document the state of, or give advice on how to enhance, biodiversity in other green spaces in the parishes of Histon and Impington in collaboration with the Parish Council and other local environmental groups.

We are also keen to reach out to the wider community to communicate our enthusiasm for biodiversity and encourage and nurture interest in nature.

We are looking for support in all the following areas:

  • Ecological surveys

    • Do you know about surveying certain species or habitats?

    • Can you help us to design and run surveys?

    • Would you be keen to help with surveys with a bit of practical training?

  • Data analysis

    • Can you help us with processing survey data?

    • Can you help with writing reports and articles/web pages on our data?

  • Citizen science initiatives

    • We want to get the community involved in collecting data. Can you help us design ‘projects’ that we can run ‘village-wide’?

    • Could you help us get the community uploading their data?

Let us know if interested by emailing and/or sign up on the website.