Help us with Site Management

Looking after our Abbey Fields sites, Croft Close Nature Reserve County Wildlife Site and Long Meadow, is a major undertaking and we rely on volunteers to carry out the bulk of our maintenance work. If you can help us we would be very grateful – even a few hours of your time makes a big difference to what we can achieve.

We are looking for support in all the following areas:

  • Hands on help with habitat management

    • Practical field work – mainly in autumn/winter

    • Adopt a section of our informal path network at Croft Close and keep your path open through the summer.

    • Become a ‘storm chaser’ and visit our sites after major storms to check for tree safety issues.

  • Habitat management planning

    • Can you help us develop and run a programme of habitat management?

    • Are you interested in helping develop a site management plan?

  • Putting up nest boxes and creating other wildlife friendly features

    • Have you a head for heights and experience using ladders?

Putting up nest boxes

Let us know if interested by emailing and/or sign up on the website.